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The Art of Paydirt
The Mansion Family Presents:
Pretty Flowers
So much street art and stencil art is based on people, social issues, pop culture, celebrity, and faces faces faces. I wanted to do a series that was simple and pretty. I've always loved Monet's "Water Lillies" since I lived by the Nelson Atkins Museum back in Kansas City, and it was a big influence on me in painting flowers, even though I don't think they look anything like Monet.

Bunch of Roses (Pink)
Spray Paint on Masonite 1 of 5 in Series 28"x22" Available for Purchase

Helen's Orchid
Spraypaint on Wood "Unavailable for Purchase"

Orchid II Blue
Spraypaint on Wood "Unavailable for Purchase"

Steph's Valentine's Roses
Spraypaint on Wood "Unavailable for Purchase"

Emma's Colorado Sunflowers
Spraypaint on Tolex "Unavailable for Purchase"
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